St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
The heart in the heart of Toledo
Worship with us Sunday mornings at 10:15 AM or click here to watch online.
If visiting Monday – Friday 7AM – 5PM, use our adjacent Kwik Park lot and validate your parking to avoid payment.

Welcome! What to Expect
Hello and welcome to our community. We are located in downtown Toledo with a heart for serving the community. We don’t care how you’re dressed, how many tattoos you have, or what candidate you voted for. We’re a church full of diverse people, with every kind of story imaginable – and we’ve saved a seat for you! Read more…

Gather Grow Serve
Connect with one of our ministry groups and find a way to get involved with people just like you. Our downtown location near the Court House has given us the opportunity to hold Prayer Vigils, assist with the annual Susan G Komen run, Jeep Fest and other downtown events. We offer a variety of “one day” mission projects for participation by local residents. Read more…

HeART Gallery
A ministry of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, HeART Gallery strives to engage the community through art, music, food and special events reflecting the unique interests of those living in the Toledo area. We believe these events create discussion for spiritual thought and inspiration for daily life. Read more…

Event Spaces
We have several unique spaces in our historic building that are bursting with character! All who have used our spaces for special occasions, corporate events, and fundraisers have found our handicap accessible facility and adjacent parking to be a hidden treasure in downtown Toledo. Read more…