Connect with one of our ministry groups and get involved with people just like you! Our downtown location near the Courthouse and Government Building has given us the opportunity to hold Prayer Vigils, assist with Susan G Komen Run, Jeepfest and other downtown events. We provide a welcoming environment to all and are always excited to engage with the community. Our collaborative ministries provide services to the underserved areas of the community through a hot meal twice per week, legal services and donations of hygiene and clothing items. St. Paul’s “one day” mission projects are a great way for downtown residents to engage with the needs of the community.

Small Groups
Lunch Bunch
A monthly fellowship gathering after worship service which meets in a local restaurant on the second Sunday of the month. All are welcome! See Cindy Rockwell or Wayne Ludwig for information.
Riverside Writers
Riverside Writers is a group of seniors who participate in a monthly creative writing experience. Topics are chosen by the group. The writing comes from the heart, assembled as a legacy collection, to be shared at a later date with family and friends. This is a relaxed and fun way to capture and reflect on humorous and poignant memories of the past that will inform and entertain generations to come. Writings are shared each month among the group – but not “graded” or criticized.
Writing topics might be similar to these:
Who did you play with as a kid and what did you do
Describe a family vacation disaster
Tell us about your wedding
Who have been some of the most important people in your life
Looking back, what events still make you smile
Join us in HeART Gallery for an experience that will last generations!
HeART Gallery is located in St. Pauls Lutheran Church 428 Erie Street, Toledo OH.
Contact for more information.
Social Ministries
Christian Legal Collaborative (CLC)
Increases access to justice in collaboration with our community by providing sliding scale legal services (NOT free services) to low & modest-income persons, educating the next generation of advocates. (All ages, education, and other demographics.) and empowering the entire community at every level. Contact Katina Werner with questions, 419-340-3433.
Cindy’s Community Heart Café
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays 10:00AM – 11:00AM
St. Paul’s welcomes all to enjoy a hot meal, a place to sit and relax and make meaningful connections with others. Between 10:00am and 11:00am brunch is served in the Social Room, accessible from the alleyway courtyard. ADA accessibility is available from the parking lot entrance. When the weather permits, additional seating is available outside in the alleyway courtyard. Pastor Pete prays over the meal and is available for pastoral care.
Contact Pastor Pete,, if you’d like to make a donation or volunteer!
Culture At The Crossroads
First Thursdays 0f the month (October– April) at 12:00pm – Monroe Street United Methodist, 3613 Monroe Street, Toledo, Ohio 43606.
Partnered with the Concerned Catholics for Social Justice, this is a monthly presentation and lunch featuring a different speaker each month on current topics of local interest. Cost is $15 and reservations are not needed. View upcoming events on the Culture At The Crossroads Facebook Page. Contact for additional information.
August parade and parking lot event with food, music and conversation with Pastor Pete
Our new MakerSpace is an extension of HeART Gallery and a ministry of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. We are located in the lower level of the church building at 428 N. Erie Street, downtown Toledo – handicap accessible with free adjacent parking. Our space holds crafting supplies, Lego building, power tools, quality art supplies and a Soup Bar for each event. We’re committed to providing a place to further serve the needs of the local community by providing a workshop area and a healthy environment for learning, sharing and doing with those of many ages and abilities.
Our inaugural project is DINNER DIY. Aimed for the “after-work” crowd, DIY hopefuls can drop by anytime between 4-7pm for a casual bowl of soup while making a trendy home décor project. Guests can learn to use routers, drills, and miter saws on small home décor projects that take 60-90 minutes to complete. Detailed instructions and supplies are provided at well-lit workspaces with an instructor on hand to answer questions or assist with tools. Registration in advance should be made to Most projects are free of charge and include homemade soup, bread, beverage and craft supplies. Projects with a visiting instructor will have a small fee, payable at the door.
Space is also available, by reservation, for local residents who have their own supplies, but lack the 8’ tables, tools or room required to complete a project. A waiver is required at the time of reservation. Youth aged 18 and younger must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
The MakerSpace is also the perfect place for Girl Scout badges, home schoolers, youth groups, and those looking for a out-of-the-ordinary date night.
Contact for more information or to register for events so we have enough supplies. Come enjoy a bowl of soup and make something while relaxing!
One Day Service Projects
Events are publicized on Facebook and participation is open to the community. Past events have included cooking classes for those leaving the Lucas County Foster Care program, meet & mingle activities for adults with disabilities, and a support project with the Lake Erie US Coast Guard.
An international agripreneurship providing education and opportunity to create sustainable sources of food, energy and water both locally and internationally with focus on Ndhiwa, Rumuruti, Emulama in Kenya. Plenty 4 All Website
Prayer Vigils
Participants meet on the steps of St Paul’s to circle the block and hold prayer or rallies on the steps of the Lucas County Courthouse. Often tied to devastating natural disasters, shooting events, or memorial celebrations such as MLK Day, or Good Friday.
Susan G. Komen
Race For the Cure (September) Participants are invited to write names of loved ones in need of prayer on “prayer rocks”. These are included in worship, and taken home by members who continue to pray throughout the year for that person.
Worship, Music & Art
Home Communion Ministers
Volunteers take communion to the homes of those unable to leave their home or care facility.
Seasonal Decorating
Our seasonal decorating committee highlights the seasons of the church year with special displays and décor fitting the celebration.
Soloists – Instrumental and Vocal
Soloists frequently perform for church services or special concert events.
Worship Assistants
Greeters, Lay readers, Ushers, Communion Assistants, and Altar Guild volunteers serve to create a welcoming and meaningful service each week.
Circle 12
Fellowship and Christian discussion for women of all ages. Wednesdays (Oct – April) at 2:00pm in the Parlor
Joy Of All Who Sorrow Universalist Orthodox Church
Joy of All Who Sorrow Universalist Orthodox Church, located within St. Paul’s Chapel, was established four years ago to serve the wider Toledo area and offer liturgical services that are authentically Eastern Orthodox. The Universalist Orthodox Church is a collective of Eastern Orthodox Christians who support the full inclusion of all people in every aspect of Church life, socially, structurally and sacramentally.
Lunch Bunch
A monthly fellowship gathering after church, exploring the culinary diversity of downtown Toledo. See Cindy Rockwell or Wayne Ludwig for information.
Faith Formation
As Christians we are called to continually grow in our understanding of the Resurrected One, Jesus Christ and how that resurrection grants us, our relationships and the world, new life everyday. The First opportunity for Faith Formation;
Our Young People are involved in Faith formation every Sunday, as they worship, as they assist in worship leadership and as they have opportunities to learn the catechism from the perspective of Jesus’ resurrection. During the week the young people are given activities to do with their families, so that faith can be taught one generation to the next. In addition on the First Sunday of each month, at 11:30 am in our Social Room, the young people are encouraged to spend time with members of St Paul’s with people who are mature in the Faith during our Café Church style worship. We meet for lunch, share prayers and Holy Communion during lunch and we have a focused discussion on issues of faith. ALL people are welcome. During the summer the young people will continue in faith formation at one of our Lutheran Outdoor camps! Another opportunity for Faith Formation for the whole community:
On each Wednesday night at 5:00pm members and friends of St Paul’s gather in the Social Room for a meal cooked by Pastor Pete. All people are welcome. We share Holy Communion and prayers and always have an interesting Faith conversation. During Lent the topic of our discussion is the book of the Acts of the Apostles (the fifth book of the New Testament!)
Christian Legal Collaborative (CLC)
Increases access to justice in collaboration with our community by providing sliding scale legal services (NOT free services) to low & modest-income persons, educating the next generation of advocates. (All ages, education, and other demographics.) and empowering the entire community at every level. Christian Legal Collaborative Website
Cindy’s City Café
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays 10:30AM – 11:45AM
Cindy Kirk’s new meal ministry at St Paul’s serves a hot meal from the alley courtyard entrance on Erie street. In addition to meals, guests can receive access to free health checks, legal advice (provided by the Christian Legal Collaborative director Katina), housing referrals and a variety of donated items are provided for the homeless. If you’d like to make a donation or volunteer email Cindy, for more information.
Cooking Church Toledo
Friday afternoons on Facebook
Join Pastor Pete in his kitchen as he cooks his favorite recipes and shares the Good News of Jesus. Cooking Church Toledo Facebook Group Page
Culture At The Crossroads
First Thursdays 0f the month (September – April) at 12:00pm – Monroe Street United Methodist, 3613 Monroe Street, Toledo, Ohio 43606.
Partnered with the Concerned Catholics for Social Justice, this is a monthly presentation and lunch featuring a different speaker each month on current topics of local interest. Cost is $15. RSVP to Culture At The Crossroads Facebook Page
August parade and parking lot event with food, music and conversation with Pastor Pete.
One Day Service Projects
Events are publicized on Facebook and participation is open to the community. Past events have included cooking classes for those leaving the Lucas County Foster Care program, meet & mingle activities for adults with disabilities, and a support project with the Lake Erie US Coast Guard.
Outdoor Dinner Church
Outdoor tent, food, music and conversation with Pastor Pete once a month in various locations in the downtown area. (May – September)
An international agripreneurship providing education and opportunity to create sustainable sources of food, energy and water both locally and internationally with focus on Ndhiwa, Rumuruti, Emulama in Kenya Plenty 4 All Website
Prayer Vigils
Participants meet on the steps of St Paul’s to circle the block and hold prayer or rallies on the steps of the Lucas County Courthouse. Often tied to devastating natural disasters, shooting events, or memorial celebrations such as MLK Day, or Good Friday.
Susan G. Komen
Race For the Cure (September) Participants are invited to write names of loved ones in need of prayer on “prayer rocks”. These are included in worship, and taken home by members who continue to pray throughout the year for that person.
Art Loop
Every 3rd Thursday of the month in HeART Gallery. Monthly exhibits, food and drink connect us with the popular Toledo Art Loop from 6-8pm.
Chancel Choir
Voice of all ages are welcome to sing in the choir. Rehearsals are Wednesdays at 6:30pm (Oct – May)
Glory Bells
New ringers are always welcome to participate in our adult hand bell choir. Rehearsals are Wednesdays at 7:30pm (Oct – May)
Home Communion ministers
Volunteers take communion to the homes of those unable to leave their home or care facility.
Seasonal Decorating
Our seasonal decorating committee highlights the seasons of the church year with special displays and décor fitting the celebration.
Soloists – Instrumental and Vocal
Soloists frequently perform for church services or special concert events.
Worship Assistants
Greeters, Lay readers, Ushers, Communion assistants, and Altar Guild volunteers serve to create a welcoming and meaningful communion service each week.